The Erpenbeck PTSO sponsors a number of celebrations and events throughout the year, which provide fun for the students, parents, and community! Many of these events also help support providing resources for our schools. Events with an asterisk denote fundraising opportunities in addition to the excitement of the event!
Mumpkin Sale*
LaRosa's Buddy Card*
Science & Engineering Night!*
-Every year, PTA sponsors this amazing family-friendly event to explore the world of Science & Engineering through with a fun and engaging theme!
Kentucky Kids Day
-Every year, PTA sponsors week-long events and suprises for our students!
Penguin Patch Holiday Shop
Daddy-Daughter Dance
-This allows the young ladies of EES an opportunity to spend the evening with one of the most important gentlemen they know.
Spirit Ware Sales
Dine-Out Nights!*
Local restaurants offer a portion of the proceeds back to the school on certain dates. See below for this year's selection!